Facing the Self........and......... Finding the Master![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
God asked His beloved devotee, “Now that I have fulfilled your every worldly desire what is it that you want?".........The devoted one replied with tears in his eyes, "O Wise one that has loved me so much I wish to return all the worldly favors I asked of You and instead wish all the time I spent in worrying and asking these petty gifts back from You.............I O Lord wish to spend these lost moments in praise of Your purity and goodness..........I realize now that time is a boon given by You to remember You.......surrender to You.......love You..........serve You.......and to be grateful to You .........I O lord asked You for peace in many ways........How did I forget that I am at peace from the moment I am born for I come to this universe to taste the sweet nectar of Your love with the purity and principles that You placed in my heart...........I had nothing to find..........I had nothing to plan............I had nothing to fear............I had nothing to want.........I had nothing to keep........for I O Lord had come....with Your Grace to be content and peaceful............I simply forgot to look within and wasted the precious moments of life looking for something that I already came with to be!"
The sweet Lord replied, “Time can never return My dear one.........Not even I can return to you the moments you wish to ask.........But this is a special moment........a moment in which you realized what many souls cannot in even a million births...........Hold on to this moment..........Enter into the wealth of this moment...........Let not the mirage of untruth wrap you once again in its web.........You are free for in this moment you have touched the spirit of your Self..........And once you have known the secret of your Self ...........once you have experienced the eternal bond between you and Me ...........once you have known My child that there is nothing beyond that ........you My dear one shall become the Master of time and the slave to love."......